Forensic Lutherie: Behind the Scenes of Historic Guitar Restoration

"This talk highlights my restoration of two of history's important classical guitars: an 1869 Francisco Gonzales, and more significantly, an 1888 (SE 114) Antonio de Torres. To further illustrate examples of some of the treatments and methods of investigation, I've included a third instrument, an 1882 guitar that I also restored. Along the way, I address the ethical concerns that led to the specific restorative work, and I include photos that reveal some of the results of this deliberation. Some of the investigative methods used to understand the history of these guitars are also shown, which was equally important in determining the proposed treatments. Please note that this new video contains repaired audio and both edited and additional footage compared to the earlier Hand-Eye Supply video of the same lecture, and was made and published with my input and approval." Luthier & Master Restoration Artist Jeffrey R. Elliott
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